We’re not always the rational creatures that classical economics makes us out to be. In 2008 Richard Thaler coined the... [more]
All posts in Year: 2011
The healthcare marketplace has traditionally prided itself as being above the commercialism of the high-street, seeing it’s role as... [more]
From Monday 25th Apr we’ll be in our new home, 200 yards from our old home! We’re going for... [more]
Well, the launch of Hurricane (v12 of our web-site) went well and has been well received so far. We’re... [more]
The release of Internet Explorer 9 comes with a wave of relief and panic. Panic because in some development... [more]
To celebrate the greatest official drinking day in the world the Halifax office have all changed their names so... [more]
GiffGaff (Wiki-entry)has been around now for over year. If you’ve never heard of the name then don’t worry, they spend... [more]
We’ve been quietly beavering away since last summer creating an exciting new Online Booking application that simply drops into... [more]
Widely used since the 18th Century, AB testing is now one of the primary sources of web-site improvement but... [more]
We’ve got a new site coming; Sam has been using a fair bit of his 20% time to come... [more]
Competition, competition, competition. I think I have been naughty. I have completed the creation of the Big.TOE spec ready... [more]
If you are thinking of re-designing your web-site then here are a couple of useful tips that could save... [more]
I recently noted that our favourite software development company 37Signals posted a page up recently titled YES. This, I... [more]
Recently Google handed out a heavy penalty to Overstock.com because the retailer was allegedly paying for links from Colleges.... [more]
Privacy questions are swirling around the Internet, surrounding Google, Amazon and ISPs like a fog. So much so that... [more]
So week 1 of my first project and the pressure is on. Proper on. As in ‘ring spasm-ingly on’.... [more]
Ask any traditional marketer about her potential marketplace and she’ll bark on about demographics, age, gender and various other... [more]
Jason Calacanis recently tweeted a great new startup, it’s only in the US – in fact only in LA... [more]
Much of the media has linked the growth in arab states civil unrest to Twitter, Youtube and the t’interweb... [more]
A recent study by Deloitte in the US suggested that nearly half of the adult population had surfed t’internet... [more]