By Andy Holland
July was hot and sweaty, a heatwave of proportions not seen for a decade but that didn’t seem to bother Client Services. True, it’s a quieter month with around 50 support tickets (2 per day) and support delivery went a smoothly as some of the ice cream we’ve been eating to stay cool. If we (usefully) ignore an outlier ticket on the 5th of July, our response time was under 10 hours – well done team. Sadly, we have to include the rogue ticket to keep a level playing field – we still managed to beat out target time of 20 hours.
July was also the end of our financial year and with 4 new clients in the month we’re expecting our ticket volume to climb as we go through Q1 of FY13/14. To address this we’re rotating ALL staff through client services so they know what it’s like to deal directly with clients and the kind of problems that arise. This is starting with the sales team; by the end of August every account manager and sales bod will have done a stint in client services. Interestingly, our CEO Martin Dower will also do a turn so maybe you’ll be lucky (or unlucky) and have your support issue dealt with by the gaffer!