The UK is now a mobile society

Thinking responsively. The SmartPhone is 7 years old yet it has supplanted desktops, TV and the games console as the most important connected device in the UK. This sea-change had been predicted as far back as 2010, and OfCom’s latest report has confirmed our deep love and attachment to mobile devices. SmartPhones now dominate our […]

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New(s) v Old(s) : A perspective on business longevity

Being Connected. Being Old. The world is obsessed by new stuff – it’s all about the new – but really cool are business that survive and prosper for decades. It’s very easy to start a new business, but working out how not to go out of business is a little bit special and takes vision, […]

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Running a WordPress Agency on your SmartPhone

Being a digital agency. For those born before 1990, it may seem like a fantasy world in which you can run a medium-sized successful WordPress agency from your phone. The world is a different place now: The cloud pervades everything we do, location is irrelevant and “there is an app” for everything you need to […]

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WordPress Support Report : July 2015

Peerless WordPress Support. It’s difficult to improve on 100% so we strive to maintain the longest 100% client satisfaction streak in our history. We’ve had the same WordPress support team of 4 in place now for over a year, and it really shows as we maintain unbeatable client satisfaction, whilst working through about 3,000 WordPress […]

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Command and control: Sucking the fun from work

Being a WordPress Agency. The rise of the flexible workplace, both socially and legally is rewriting not just working hours but how we approach work. It’s a shockingly recent notion that work and play should be mutually exclusive things, but prior to the rise of the industrial revolution it was the norm. Most companies are […]

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The obsession with pointless web artifacts

User Experience. The modern web experience could be drowning (again) under the weight of pointless artifacts. Parallax scrolling, spinning icons and other pointless animations are taking over the web. Yuk! Albert Einstein stated “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler” and for a while at the end of the last decade this looked […]

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Copy & Waste : Avoiding Duplicate Content (Video)

Search Engines. It’s widely reckoned that nearly a third of the web is duplicated content. Google really doesn’t like it. That’s not to say you shouldn’t re-purpose content for your site, in fact adding value to existing subjects is a good thing, especially if they are trending. But the fact remains, directly copy and pasting […]

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It’s been a busy year for WordCamps

WordPress News. If you’ve never been to a WordCamp then you could be in for a treat Core to the meteoric rise of WordPress, WordCamps are events for like-minded WordPressers to get together, learn, listen, chat, network, hire and share skills. And no selling is allowed. We’ve been closely involved with WordCamps since the first […]

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Hopelessly devoted to service

Peerless WordPress Support. “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” – Henry Ford As a WordPress Agency in the digital space, it’s fair to say we’ve learned a lot about client service since we founded in 1996. Some of it is obvious, much of it less so. There is no fixed model […]

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WordPress Support: The first 6 months of 2015

Peerless WordPress Support Update. We’re deadly serious about supporting WordPress, and we choose to openly report on our performance as we think that makes us better. Judge for yourself. We’ve used the industry-leading Zendesk Application since 2012 to provide a platform for supporting WordPress clients and to independently measure our performance. We support a mixture […]

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The future of WordPress Support

Peerless WordPress Support. We crafted our Peerless WordPress Support service at the end of 2013, using a decade of client-support learning. Since then we’ve enhanced and improved it immeasurably. But the world doesn’t stop, and a healthy need for world-class WordPress support has driven lots of new players into our space. It’s got cluttered so […]

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Slack: Welcome to new world communications in the workplace

Stuff we use. Workplace communication is changing – it’s becoming freer, more open, collaborative and, importantly, a lot more fun. Applications such as Slack are responsible for driving this change, and it will change the workplace forever, but not without challenges. We’ve been a huge fan of Slack since we stumbled across it in March […]

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Is GOV.UK the best web-site in the UK?

The art of UX. It’s not often that we Brits can be truly proud of our government – but the @GDSTeam that are transforming the experience are really world-class. IMHO. Not only did they choose WordPress, they adopted agile, embrace open-source, iterate wildly and put the user at the heart of the experience. They […]

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Not moved to HTTPS yet? Best get your skates on

Getting on with search engines. Ten months after it was announced by Google, it looks like the secure web is here to stay. And about time too. Security is key to protecting users on the web, especially in a world full of hack-attacks and compromised data. Going forward TLS support will become the standard for […]

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Mobilegeddon: Long-range predictions sometimes work out

Thinking Ahead Staring into the crystal ball and working out what’s coming down the track is fraught with risks, but also has some fantastic “I told you so” moments. Here are a couple that worked out well but with different outcomes. Back in 1998, the world was using “Gash” to create crummy splash pages and […]

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7 questions on WordPress you were dying to ask

…but were afraid to ask. As the entire world seems to be ‘Going WordPress’ a lot of marketers are just plain lost on why and why and when and what. Throw in the added pressure from above, and a dose of FUD from the WordPress agency community and you have the recipe for sleepless nights […]

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WordPress Support Report : May 2015

Peerless WordPress Support. 237 tickets. 12.9hrs response time. 442 support interactions and 100% client satisfaction. It might sound a little repetitive with 10 consecutive months of 100% satisfaction – The rest of the numbers are interesting but what our clients think of us is really how we measure the standard of our support. WordPress might […]

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