Unintended Consequences: Being careful what you wish for

Technological development is a funny old thing. Pretty amazing new stuff (PANS) are initially created often out of a need or opportunity in society then frequently weaponised by others at a later date. This is not new: Gutenberg, the German craftsman designed a device to mass-print profitable vernacular Bibles. Most credit him with inventing printing, […]

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Buying into wind and solar farms cuts carbon emissions

But is it suitable for everyone? Or is this another case of the wealthy monopolising government tax credit? I note that Google has upped its game in this area with the world’s largest Green PPA (Power Purchase Agreement). Despite falling average electricity consumption across the Western world, the need for data centre power has grown […]

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Combined Channels Marketing: Our rules

Based loosely around modern warfare: “Combined Arms Warfare”, Combined Channel Marketing (CCM) encompasses a number of core beliefs and approaches: 1. Partnerships: All parties are a partner in the venture, there is no room for client-vendor or boss-staffer type relationships as all parties strive side-by-side to achieve goals. Unpacking is kept to a minimum and […]

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Environmental Policy (updated for 2024)

Carbon negative since 2020, carbon neutral for over a decade. Connected is carbon negative; we sequester more carbon than we use. By 2030, we will have offset our total emissions since we founded in 1996. Our carbon initiatives are broadly broken into four categories: Lower carbon density: Use less carbon by using carbon-efficient methodologies, travel, […]

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The Emergence of the Augmented Workplace

The modern workplace is undergoing a significant transformation as augmented reality (AR) and other cutting-edge technologies continue to make their presence felt. As companies strive to enhance productivity and collaboration among employees, AR has emerged as a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way we work. Augmented Reality: A Game Changer for Businesses Augmented reality […]

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The office comes home, and other predictions for ‘22

Its been a few years since we joined in with the “predictions” silly season, but here goes. Previous efforts, such as 2011, saw us predict the rise (but not fall) tablet computing, the wildly desperate end of Google’s search dominance. Cloud computing and subscription models fared better. 2014 went slightly better with the rise of […]

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