Social networks and the explosion of loneliness (VIDEO)

I came across this video, by Shimi Cohen. Loosely based on an article “The Invention of loneliness“, it explores the concept of connections over conversations that pervades the current social media world. The paradox is thus; the more connections we have, the less connected we become. The idea that teenagers collect people and shun interaction […]

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Web design for the digitally disinterested

(AKA: “maybe WordPress doesn’t suit everybody”) We’d argue the case that you should be using WordPress because of open-source standards, mobile-optimisation, support, security & scaling and guaranteed long-term adoption. And we’d be right, of sorts. If you cared. These are all admirable, providing an irrefutable argument that concludes with “… and therefore you’d have to […]

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The rise of WordPress development communities

WordPress development communities are springing up everywhere, like bluebells in spring. Secretly we knew they existed, Mike Little’s famous Stockport group (he co-founded WordPress) and Keith Devon’s “WordPress London” monthly meetup. They’ve all been around for years along with a few hundred WordCamps – the larger, more coordinated gatherings of WordPress think-alikes in almost every […]

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Guide to choosing the perfect WordPress development partner

Drafting behind the meteoric rise of WordPress, like a line of tightly-packed race cars, is an eclectic mix of WordPress companies, all vying for your business. Despite WordPress being around for about 10 years, it’s adoption as the digital development platform of choice has only been cemented in the last couple of years. It’s adoption […]

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WordPress to save the world (sic)

It’s estimated that over 90% of UK businesses over £5m turnover are “locked-in” to their current web development company. In a world of open source and digital portability this is rather staggering. And worrying. A new world of fast deployment and agile delivery is opening the way for greater supplier collaboration and portability yet so […]

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How to be indifferent to physical location

As one of the fastest growing WordPress Development companies in Europe, we’re proud and eager to embrace location independence – after all WordPress themselves operate entirely without regard to location. In fact, WordPress only exists because of remote working. I suppose we are lucky to be a pure digital business, after all you don’t need […]

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WordPress development anywhere … or how to be a modern web agency

When we started as a web development agency back in 1996, from the very beginning we were a national company. We quickly built a strong client base in London, Leeds and Manchester and the account teams used to pile 30k miles each per year visiting clients from Bristol to Newcastle. In those days, face to […]

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