“Hello Parker”…WordPress 3.8 is out

Named after Charlie Parker, WordPress 3.8 “Parker” was released at the end of last week. Uniquely so far for WordPress, this was a parallel development stream that has been running since 2012. It’s mission was to bring the administration of WordPress kicking and screaming into the mobile and flat-design world. In fact, unless you administrate […]

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Social sharing that no one wants

“Social media is the future”, screams the (slightly) ignorant parrot. Social media and, specifically, the sharing of information (links) amongst groups of like minded folks (social networks) is as old as the hills. However, the feeding frenzy around this space is getting ridiculous. Poor old clients are being conned into thinking they must “leverage the […]

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What is “Page valuation”, and why it’s important

WordPress Migration. Unless you’re lucky enough to be updating your WordPress platform, the harsh reality is that migrating to WordPress will involve moving content. Maybe a lot of it But do you really need to move it all? If you have 1,000 pages of information going back to 2005 you should really ask yourself if […]

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Support, zombie tickets and continual improvement

So far in 2013 we’re handled just over 1,300 client support tickets. When you write it down like that it’s sounds pretty impressive but break it down and it’s about 1 support ticket for every working hour. A rather impressive 94% are picked up within our 1 working day standard response window. Our client SLA […]

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