Building a collaborative digital strategy (Pt 3)

We’ve covered the hybrid model and gameplan and also the strategy. This article is about operational delivery, and specifically how and who it’s apportioned to. Much of the work carried out by digital agencies is fairly low-tech, frequently hidden in a black box and wrapped up in a £££ invoice. Often, the operational marketing tasks […]

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Building a collaborative digital strategy (Pt 1)

Most people either elect to outsource their digital services to a third-party, or keep them entirely in-house. Both approaches have their pros and cons: The challenge is to create a hybrid solution that meets the needs of your organisation, fits well with the digital agency and continue to motivate both to strive for improvement. Motivation […]

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Re-visiting our agile journey, a retrospective

Lots of folks talk about agile, and it’s most definitely one of the buzz-words of 2013 as it moves out from the dark corners of code-development into the limelight reality of sales, marketing and operational environments. But, it’s glaringly obvious that the agile movement itself is not really delivering the sort of productivity improvements that […]

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Google’s Authorship Programme – why and how?

Introduced over a year ago to little interest and no acclaim, the Google Authorship Programme has a bold vision to make content personal, unique and (as ever) to stamp out content farms and machine-written content. Working hand-in-hand with recent updates to kill off-page spamming, the Authorship programme is looming large on radar, if not square […]

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VNX 4.1 Re-Boot launched

In beta since May 1st, Connected are proud to formally launch VNX 4.1 (Re-Boot), an open-source framework for delivering digital services. It offers: Open source licensing available with support contracts Responsive design framework designed to work in a NoCode environment Extensible and expandable with off-the-shelf plugins The usual suspects baked-in including; back-end integration, database management, […]

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Two-thirds of major companies are not “Google compliant”

From a US survey, admittedly, but the UK is actually worse. Pure Oxygen Labs carried out a thorough survey of the top US organisations and found that: 2/3 risk ranking downgrades in Google for not serving mobile versions of indexed pages 1/2 serve any mobile formatted content to smartphone searchers 1/3 serve some mobile content, […]

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