The A-Z of Design Principles (P)

People & Personalisation “Focus on people their lives, their work, their dreams.” – Google “Allow users to personalise their experience. People love to add personal touches because it helps them feel at home and in control. Provide sensible, beautiful defaults, but also consider fun, optional customisations that don’t hinder primary tasks.” – Google Android […]

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Our agile manifesto

We’re often asked how we implement agile in a digital world so I thought it would be useful to publish our Agile Manifesto; it’s our guiding light and philosophy rolled into one. We follow these principles: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Welcome changing requirements, […]

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The changing face of marketing operations

It’s frequently said “…he who controls the software controls the world” and this, I believe strongly, applies to marketing. Throw control of data, best practices, reporting, budget and planning into the mix you can easily see how unsexy marketing ops may well become king. Traditionally, marketing ops has been uncool- it was typically under-funded and […]

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The A-Z of Design Principles (M)

Make your application predictable “Use industry standard user interface conventions wherever possible. For example, users should be able to use standard selection models and keyboard equivalents like Ctrl+C and Shift+→ (to copy the currently selected object and extend the current selection one unit to the right, respectively) everywhere they work with data. Use a common […]

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Mapped: Path to purchase on mobile devices [infographic]

In the first UK Path-to-Purchase study, it was found that UK mobile searchers are committed to the research process leading to a longer purchase decision cycle than those in the US. It also revealed UK mobile users’ emphasis on local relevancy and high purchase intent, with more than half reporting to have ultimately made a […]

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Design Principles for a Digital Services Age

By Martin Dower [marker ]Reading time is circa 7 minutes[/marker] The world of digital design has changed hugely over the last couple of years, caused by: The explosive adoption of tablet and mobile pushing the digital world to responsive thinking A shift from designed web-site to providing digital services Emergence of digital services frameworks to simplify […]

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A little flavour of our thinking

We publish around 150 articles a year and we think it’s a great way to find out more about us; our culture, our approach, our experience and our people. We’re proponents of the mobile-first philosophy and appreciate there are challenges of going “mobile first” so we use a combination of responsive design and an Open digital Services Framework we released in 2012 to […]

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