VNX Framework 4 released

Connected are proud to announce the launch of VNX 4.0 Designed as a world-leading digital framework and based on 10 years of platform development, VNX provides an ideal, fully curated digital platform on which to build world-class strategies, easily and quickly. The key features are: Cloud-based, scaleable architecture to handle up to 5m visitors per […]

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Waterfall project delivery is legally dead, long live agile

Ok, not strictly true but when the US DoD decides that due to the continued failure of waterfall (read: traditional) project control, all projects must be agile it sends an interesting signal to the outside world. If you believe the proponents of Agile/Scrum, there has been a twenty-fold increase in the demand for Agilists over […]

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Online Booking Application news : is our self-contained, high-performance Online Booking application that is cloud-hosted and offers a best-in-class experience with KISS at it’s heart. With lots of new clients coming along for the ride it’s developed quite a following. From financial services to healthcare to the auto industry, is proving to be highly adaptable and popular. As […]

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The rise of technology reef environments

This post was inspired by seeing the mainstream adoption of platforms and wondering where it all ends. I’m not comfortable in a world controlled by Apple, Google or Facebook and whilst the masses are happy at the moment I can promised you that will change, it always does. Remember Alta-Vista, mySpace and FriendReunited? The platform […]

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