Game over for Marketing, so says Saatchi

Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi yesterday addressed an audience of senior business leaders at The IoD’s Annual Convention and claimed that in today’s crazy world strategy is dead, the big idea is dead, management is dead and marketing, as we know, is also dead. Pretty strong words from the head of one of the […]

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We are updating our privacy policy. This is important.

Respecting visitor privacy is core to what Connected are about and in a rapidly changing field we’re adapting our own internal policies to make privacy more robust, clearer and in-line with the industry. You might have seen Google and others currently reviewing their privacy policies at the moment. We are no different. Key headlines We […]

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End of Microsoft and the death of Google

Roger McNamee is a pretty interesting character in the digital world and a rare sight in a world filled with 18-year kids on caffeine. Over the years he seems to have got pretty wise to emerging trends and has advised a great many companies successfully.  Now in his mid-fifties you might have thought he would […]

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Facebook vs Google Plus vs Twitter

I’m new to Google Plus but I’ve already spent a fair amount of time updating my Google Profile, creating circles and adding people. It’s an interesting time for me. I have a healthy dislike of Facebook and therefore very rarely use directly. Flipboard allows me to “magazine” the content in a convenient and disposable form, […]

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Recruiting TWO Freelancers

We are actively growing and need a pair of bright and energetic front-end web monkeys with skills in XHTML, CSS and some Javascript hackery. Rates are highly competitive. We’ve got a busy summer coming up delivering some clever applications for a number of customers so if you are interested send Andy an email with examples of […]

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Browser support changes

From January 1st 2012 Connected will no longer support or test browser compatibility on the following supported browsers; Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3. Ongoing efforts by the major browser providers has seen the population of those old browsers decline sharply in the last year. These older browsers greatly restrict functionality, specifically HTML5, […]

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Avoiding brief creep

Have you ever had an unreasonable client? Most companies have, and will reel off numerous examples! Many people mistakenly believe that contracts are only useful in the event of a dispute, but this is not true. A good contract can save you time, money, stress, and even improve your sales opportunities and your brand image. Oftentimes, […]

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…of course we do. There are a number of re-occuring questions that we seem to be asked so I’d thought it might be good to answer YES to all the common one here. YES; we’re all based in the UK (Yorkshire, actually) YES; we do our our work in-house YES; we really are 15 years […]

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