
Our latest project, was officially announced today with a launch date of May Day. In development since Summer 2010 it is new cloud-based offering that provides an easy-to-deploy online booking system for the SME marketplace. The first version is now available so talk to sales to discuss your needs in more depth. Prices start […]

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Nudge and better choices

We’re not always the rational creatures that classical economics makes us out to be. In 2008 Richard Thaler coined the term Nudge Theory (paraphrased “Where Economics Meets Psychology”). It’s a well trodden path and includes such exciting terms as Behavioural finance but fundamentally they all look at the ways in which our psychological biases get in the way […]

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Care online

The healthcare marketplace has traditionally prided itself as being above the commercialism of the high-street, seeing it’s role as a provider of clinical excellence only. This is slowly changing, as national, chain-type, brands strive to break the old GP-referrer cycle and reach-out directly to potential customers and nowhere is this more prevalent than on the […]

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Online booking due in Summer

We’ve been quietly beavering away since last summer creating an exciting new Online Booking application that simply drops into your existing web-site, a few lines of code and you’re away. Named it’s been out on private alpha since the start of this year but on July 1st this year we’re opening it up as […]

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Avoid re-inventing the wheel

If you are thinking of re-designing your web-site then here are a couple of useful tips that could save you a load of development cost, reduce the hassle and speed up delivery. Just because you’re re-creating or re-building your site that is no reason to build the whole thing from scratch. Most of your visitors […]

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Google : Judge, jury and executioner?

Recently Google handed out a heavy penalty to because the retailer was allegedly paying for links from Colleges. Part of Google’s algorithm involves attributing “weight” to incoming links and the higher the quality of links the greater the weight is applied to the recipient site. Supposedly, Google rates colleges and universities as high-quality sources […]

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Don’t take your users’ data for granted

Privacy questions are swirling around the Internet, surrounding Google, Amazon and ISPs like a fog. So much so that the EU’s (much unused) Data Protection Directive is beginning to move front and centre in the fight for privacy. Many people have a level of distrust regarding corporate databases and are concerned that that too much […]

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Social media no longer sexy

Ask any traditional marketer about her potential marketplace and she’ll bark on about demographics, age, gender and various other segmentation approaches. In fact, most marketing departments would be a little stuck without their (fixed) demographic profiling. We are starting to see a change though. As likeminded people gather around fellow likers communities have been springing […]

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