Google Analytics is not for marketers

Back in 2005 Google acquired a great little analytics company, Urchin and shortly afterwards shook up the web analysis world by offering the previously chargeable product for free. It’s progress over the last 5 years has been one of Google’s great success stories and around half of the respectable commercial sites in the world use […]

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Objects & processes. Liberating design.

First off, I’d like to start by saying that we are not a design company but have individuals who have undoubted talent in designing stuff. Me, I have not a creative design bone in my body! What prompted this post was a recent encounter with a client’s design company who were “re-designing” some element of […]

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First time, last time, every-time

Measuring how visitors come to your site and convert is a critical part of understanding the factors that drive success. Traditional methods (such as Google Analytics) uses last touch or last visit to measure how a conversion took place but this is only part of the story. It is possible to hack most of the […]

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Look at me

Testing the efficacy of web-forms and landing pages is so ingrained in what we do that frequently we overlook old learnings when new projects along. Recently we were contracted to build a specific landing page/micro-site campaign for a client and the agency usefully provided a number of images (of people) to be included on the […]

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Achieving search neutrality

You would expect your web search results to be unbiased but are they? Are they completely neutral and without undocumented manipulation? The straight answer is no. As search-engines develop ever-more complex algorithms to drive up relevance and keep out the spammer, we have seen a full-blown fight between SEO organisations and the giants such as […]

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YouTube embraces A/B testing

Testing small changes can make a huge difference to performance, it’s an approach which rant on about to our clients on a daily basis and they, generally, listen to our ideas and frequently see campaign-changing improvements in conversion rates and corresponding drops in CPA. However, most companies test in secret and don’t reveal the results […]

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Enter Pushnote : the power of social media

You probably know the tech-geek Stephen Fry has over 2 million followers on Twitter. Most of his output surrounds the day-to-day life of an ageing comic, TV presenter, intellect and all-round “nice bloke”, I follow him and he’s one of the better celebs and my chosen twitter vehicle (Flipboard) works really well with his short, […]

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A curated web experience

For some years innovative organisations and software houses have been striving to produce a neater, more contextualised web experience only to find their efforts labelled as “invasive” or “privacy breaching”. As a result terms such as behavioural targeting and personalized web are now tarnished – forever. I am fighting back. From now on I am […]

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Another 2011 prediction blog post

This is the time of year that everyone and their dog seems to take out the crystal ball out and make sweeping predictions for 2011. Jumping on the bandwagon of making sweeping predictions sounds like a bit of fun, if not taken too seriously so here’s my attempt to list some dead certs that I […]

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Choice architecture : Using intelligent defaults

Supposedly, humans are terribly lazy, easy to manipulate and creatures of habit. That’s great news if you can leverage these traits to help your online campaign. Traditional wisdom states that people should be offered lots of choice. This is plain wrong, too much choice creates procrastination. Some say providing choice is a fundamental part of […]

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Landing Zone : Dealing with PPC Traffic

How Landing Pages have transformed PPC traffic Since the original specification for the world-wide web was drawn up in the 90’s by Tim Berners-Lee there is, remarkably, a ghost still haunting the Internet. It’s called the “HOME” page; we’ve all heard of it, we naturally assume that the page we land on when we click […]

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Quickies : Web forms that work

Probably the most frequent question we are asked is “how can I make my call-to-action web form convert better?”. Here’s a quickie, 10 minute read to get you started. There’s not much we don’t know about web forms. We’ve been designing forms on web sites since 1996 and were one of the first companies in […]

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End of the “one-size fits all” web

Since the web came of age in the early noughties really bright-spark and innovative companies such as Amazon, Google, Ebay and Apple have been breaking away from the “one-size fits all” approach and creating personalised web assets. These early adopters ploughed their own development furrow, investing hundred’s of millions of dollars into bespoke-built personalisation/profile/testing platforms. […]

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