Client-side analytics. Problem No: 221

As highlighted in this e-Consultancy post, Google is considering letting web-site visitors opt-out of their free Google Analytics application. On the face of it, Google seems to being a “good boy” and trying to re-acquire it’s much vaunted “do no evil” motto. However, for a good number of years a great deal of agencies, traffic […]

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Wikipedia attend the funeral of Adobe Flash

Adobe’s Flash player has had various trips to A&E over the years, from promising beginnings in the late 1990’s it soon floundered as a bloaty “intro” page builder that the search engines could not read. It was absolutely destined to die a quick and painless death. And then along came video. Youtube and a few […]

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Philharmonic Orchestra get Connected

Huddersfield Philharmonic Orchestra have been in continuous existence since 1862 making them (possibly) the oldest complete orchestra in the world. Over recent years the audience levels have been dropping and the newly elected VP, Peter Lewis, decided it was time to drag the Orchestra into the 21st century and commissioned Connected to review the online […]

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Landing Pages (Part 4 – Microsites)

Enter the 4th generation of PPC Landing policies. This rolls-up the benefits of single-focus Landing and Deep-link pages. The entrance point from PPC traffic is largely the same as dedicated landing pages but this page is supported by a number of other pages; all focussed around converting the visitor. There are two main approaches used […]

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2010 – Time for a change

As we enter our 14th year of trading it was time for a change in our outlook. What do you think of the new look? (email me [email protected]). We’ve seen substantial growth in 2009 and 2010 is heading the same way and we wanted to get all of the team contributing regularly to the site so we’ve adopted the Wordpress platform and, with a few tweaks, created what I think is a nice fresh and clean identity (thanks Colin).

We’re planning to publish lots of articles, information and ideas; we’re going to be sharing our very best ideas with you so we’d really appreciate your comments (good and bad). Give it some time to grow and it will become a pretty useful place to gather ideas on how you can improve your Internet thinking, strategy and results… […]

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Project management…collaboration stylee

We rolled out Basecamp company-wide in January 2008 and now manage around 70 live projects in a wonderfully collaborative manner. It dramatically changed how the organisation worked internally and many of the clients subsequently took up using the application themselves for other projects.

Changing from an ugly and ill-formed email-based system into a simple, fast and cloud-enabled application has reduced costs, increased control and brought a whole host of really important improvements to how we work… […]

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Using journey management as a change tool

Early adopters of visitor journey management have very successfully applied it in a commercial context where organisations have a defined sales cycle and use the methodology to serve the most appropriate message, content and actions to visitors at given stages of the cycle. There are, however, some exciting ideas of how journey management can be used in less commercially-minded organisations or for internal processes… […]

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Testing landing pages

For the commercial world outside of consumer e-commerce, focused landing pages are the fastest and easiest ways to improve all conversion points on the site. They are the heavy lifters of this world. Often the Landing pages, being small and light, means they are easy to work with, easy to optimise and easy to improve and as a result a typical company might change these once every month or so. But how can you tell if you are actually improving the landing page? What happens when you’ve done all the “normal” stuff? What happens when the conversion rate starts to fall again? […]

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Landing Pages (Part 3)

In early 2004 conversion rate experts were looking to improve on this and we saw the appearance of dedicated landing pages. These were designed with the single purpose of capturing the first time visitor and getting them to engage a little more so they would read further. Big, bold headlines and USPs around the search term were […]

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Why use VITES™ ?

What is wrong with the “Flat Web Society”? Lots really. Everyone gets the same experience and that just doesn’t make sense. When you have to write your copy and your site to a group called “everyone” you then have to compromise on your content, your navigation, your design and your aims for the site.

The dynamic web understands better what the visitor wants and provides a vastly improved experience, an experience that is largely personalised to the visitor and one that better matches the needs of both the web-site owner and his or her visitor… […]

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Personalised content delivery

The “one-size fits all” web is a compromise, a general-purpose attempt to deal with all the potential combinations of types of visitors. By way of example, the benefits of creating creating custom landing pages by simple keyword groups is widely documented as hugely improving online conversion rates. Despite this, even the most savvy organisations don’t carry this any further than the first landing page and certainly look to learn from this when the visitor returns to the site. This represents a huge loss in conversion rates… […]

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Welcome to Connected

What do we do?

Since 1997 Connected have championed the clear commercial benefit of balancing the needs of function and form in the online world. The key driver is to improve the commercial success of a client’s web strategy and help create lean and profitable web strategies that are reliable, sustainable and market-leading. This is an uncommon approach in a world of “me too” agencies and plagiarism-driven organisations. The end result shows dramatically improved online commercial success and real leadership in our clients markets. […]

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Passport Server

Passport is the central repository that VITES uses to store and recall information on the visitor bases. Storing every interaction with every visitor requires a flexible, scalable and powerful database solution. Connected are a committed LAMP development environment so all Passport data is held in a series of SQL databases providing an open and simple-to-implement recording and reporting environment… […]

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