Understanding your customers: The iPhone user

The iPhone holds the high-ground in data and application usage and iPhone users share a lot in common: appetite for bandwidth, need for responsive websites, charging points, electronic calendars and PayPal payments. Bearing in mind that millions of hours are spent every year trying to understand customer behaviour, motivations and needs, it strikes me that […]

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Is the rise of flexible working a myth? [infographic]

Already re-tweeted, but this article from Virgin is really good and worth commenting on. Three quarters of workers are not permitted to work remotely as often as they wish. It’s been shown that remote and/or location independent working is more efficient, more satisfying and sustainable with a happier workforce. So why are companies insisting on […]

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The end of corporate web-sites … as we know it

According to some industry watchers, 2014 will see the end of traditional corporate web-sites. Although, and rather famously, “reports of it’s death are greatly exaggerated” its certainly going to change a great deal this year. The role of brand in this space is evolving as traditional corporate website visits are declining and becoming more expensive […]

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What is the best project management app for a digital agency?

Despite being a WordPress DEVELOPMENT agency, our most frequently asked question is “what should we use to manage digital projects and development agencies”. You’d expect we get questions on WordPress development or HTML5 or web design – But no. Our top two subjects are “what tools do we use to manage our digital agency?” and […]

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Will HTML5 replace all client-side languages?

The rise of HTML5 over the last few years has really shaken up the traditional (and fragmented) world of client-side languages. We’re seeing the decline of traditional code-based languages in favour of a simpler and faster framework. We’re seeing the end of IT departments and software teams and the rise of fast-deployment development platforms such […]

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