05JanMaximise engagement? Categories: Brave New World, Culture, News, Our Thinking, WordPress, Equals maximise difference, zeal, fervour, hatred, triviality, and racism. That’s what algorithms do. That is how the big tech... [more]
21DecThe Drive for Maximum Engagement: A Recipe for Brain Rot and Polarisation Categories: Brave New World, Culture, Future, News, Our Thinking, WordPress, Overview The social media model of “maximising engagement” has created an environment rife with cognitive decline, ideological extremism, and... [more]
02DecSlop is giving us all brain rot Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, In a tongue-in-cheek look at the short-list for the 2024 Oxford “Word of the Year” here we distinctly shallow-dive... [more]
07JunPrice is what you pay, value is what you get Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, The phrase “Price is what you pay, value is what you get”, popularised by investor Warren Buffett, highlights the... [more]
17MayThe future of AI-Marketing Categories: Brave New World, C22.ai, Culture, Future, News, Our Thinking, There cannot be a field more ripe for disruption than marketing; so many of its core areas suit the... [more]
02MayFor reels? Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, Google and Meta have been chasing down the Prince of Something New, TikTok, since the arrival of 15 second... [more]
08AprTikTok : The perfect medium for clickbait and dogwhistle marketing. Categories: Brave New World, C22.ai, Culture, News, Our Thinking, Ah, TikTok, the dazzling, dizzying digital darling of our age. A place where you can watch a pomeranian trying... [more]
04AprThe future of work now AI is here Categories: Brave New World, C22.ai, Culture, Future, News, Our Thinking, The future of work in an era where artificial intelligence (AI) plays a central role is a topic of... [more]
14MarIdealogical bias in AI Categories: Brave New World, Culture, News, Most technologists lean to the left – possibly as a function of education, income banding, and age. On the... [more]
26FebTime is the currency of life, not money Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, In today’s world, if you’re lucky enough to achieve even basic financial security in your 60s then you’ve probably... [more]
04JanEnvironmental Policy (updated for 2024) Categories: Brave New World, Culture, Future, News, Our Thinking, Carbon negative since 2020, carbon neutral for over a decade. Connected is carbon negative; we sequester more carbon than... [more]
08JunDoes AI have an opinion? Categories: Culture, News, If you ask most Gen-AI systems this question you tend to get an answer something along the lines of... [more]
03NovA timely reminder Categories: Brave New World, Culture, Future, News, Our Thinking, In this great politico-media fest that is #COP26, it’s useful to highlight our commitment to eradicating negative traces that... [more]
29JunThe working week is killing us Categories: Brave New World, Culture, News, Our Thinking, For many, working at home in a toxic culture is the new norm. Sadly, many employers have made a... [more]
30Jun“You’re asking me to explain how a watch works” Categories: Culture, News, …Is my stock answer when folks ask me how web-sites work! The digital world shares much in common with... [more]
29FebThe best workplace wellness program: working less Categories: Culture, Our Thinking, Tags: culture, Future, happiness, mindfulness, wellness, work, Much of the time our minds can be lost in fantasising, imagining, dwelling on the past, pondering about the... [more]
08FebBe more with less: A salutary tale Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, The tension between needs and wants is often what fires the ambition in us all. Sadly we listen to... [more]
03JanThe work/life balance dilemma Categories: Culture, Our Thinking, Tags: culture, Health, mindfulness, stress, wellbeing, Work is increasingly seeping beyond the office and factory walls and into other areas of our lives. The commute,... [more]
20Dec1144 – the way we work Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, Much is made of the work grind, to some that’s expressed as 996, or 9 am to 9 pm... [more]
02NovBusiness is not just the balance sheet and shareholder value Categories: Brave New World, Culture, News, Our Thinking, Corporate responsibility has become a thing. In fact, it was always a thing but just maybe unpopular with business... [more]