Agile Operations. It’s often thought that Agile, Scrums and Sprints were something a WordPress agency would only use in... [more]
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WordPress Platform. Released yesterday, WordPress 4.0 is not the giant leap that the 4.0 moniker might infer – more... [more]
Business Process Re-engineering The explosion of “as-a-service” providers is giving a lot of traditional organisations huge headaches, and big... [more]
WordPress Agency News. Since 2008 we’ve majored on WordPress development and all new websites and digital assets for the... [more]
Google and search engines. May saw the latest incarnation of Google’s Panda release. Designed to rid the search engines... [more]
Learning to blog by Penny Driscoll. “Write, and they will come” couldn’t be any further from the truth and... [more]
Google & search. The never ending merry-go-ground of playing catchup with Google takes another pointless turn. Or a major... [more]
WordPress Support. Scaling support for an ever-growing number of WordPress installations has been the major push in the last... [more]
Content Planning. WordPress is a fabulously flexible platform on which to base your content strategy. But the content cannot... [more]
Social platforms. Used only by the SEO agencies, Google’s feeble attempt to usurp Facebook was loaded with bribes to... [more]
UI and UX (UCD and ISO 9241) Designing modern digital services on the WordPress platform is more about the... [more]
Singers. The 1960s. Namesakes. by Jimmy Hughes. Quite why my loving parents named me after a black singer from... [more]
Mobile first By Martin Dower. Amazon launch a new smartphone today, adding yet another proprietary eco-system to a world... [more]
Big data. “If you’re not into big data now, then you will be soon” is often heard – usually... [more]
WordPress in the Enterprise. The Top 10 WordPress agencies in the UK are changing fast with a new breed... [more]
WordPress Generation. WordPress is the most important web platform since Tim Berners-Lee created the original web framework 20 years... [more]
Freelance for a WordPress Agency? According to a study it is estimated that there’re 1.4 million British freelancers working... [more]
WordPress Generation. Before YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, Tumblr, Medium and the plethora of self-publishing platforms came along – information... [more]
Open source. Patents law benefits almost no-one and absolutely hurts everyone. The whole tenet of ideas and concepts having... [more]
Mobile Generation By Martin Dower. The “responsive design vs xxxxx” argument seems to be won and lost every other... [more]