02AprMad March Support Categories: News, WordPress Support, March was JFDI month Process and approvals had seemed to be overtaking the real purpose of support – making... [more]
01AprSupport Contract : Price changes Categories: News, WordPress Support, Effective 1st April 2014. Support requests for WordPress installations have grown 5-fold in the last year – not only... [more]
28MarNeed a London-based digital agency? We’re well ‘ard! Categories: News, Our Thinking, If you’re based in London and you’re looking for a digital agency then here are 5 reasons you should... [more]
27MarDigital Agencies : Costs, rates, pricing, risers and fallers Categories: News, The 2014 Digital Agency Rate Card survey by eConsultancy was released today, it made for some interesting reading on... [more]
27MarSocial Media: Hiding in plain sight Categories: News, Our Thinking, Social media advice is wide, varied and poorly distributed. It’s really rather common to hear snippets of wisdom such... [more]
26MarBeing a digital nomad : Hints & tips Categories: News, Our Thinking, There is no doubt, the location independent existence of being a digital nomad is very liberating, especially if you... [more]
25MarWhere is LinkedIn going? Categories: News, Our Thinking, To me, it seems that LinkedIn is a little lost. They recently announced they are removing the Products and... [more]
25MarWrite less. Mean more. Categories: News, Our Thinking, Folks don’t read digital content* So why does every organisation and digital agency try to ram reams of content... [more]
24Mar6 tips on how to improve your emails Categories: News, Our Thinking, Email marketing is complicated, but get it right and it can deliver significant incremental business. There are dozens (if... [more]
21MarTransparency has a new meaning. For real. Categories: News, Our Thinking, There has always existed a tension between the needs of organisations to protect themselves and the burgeoning world of... [more]
19MarDon’t be a “search engine chump” … ah, too late Categories: News, Our Thinking, If you work in SEO, or use an SEO agency or have even vaguely heard of the phrase you... [more]
19MarAutomattic : $1bn company with no offices!* Categories: News, WordPress, Connected operate our digital staff 100% location independent. That’s pretty unusual – most digital agencies choose to have “cool... [more]
18MarOnline marketing: A different perspective on Re-targeting Categories: News, Our Thinking, We’ve all seen those annoying banners that follow us around the web. Annoying they might be, some would even... [more]
17MarMobile advertising revenue to overtake newspaper this year Categories: News, The mobile advertising space has existed for barely more than 3 years. The first newspaper advert was placed over... [more]
17MarWordPress 3.9 is coming Categories: News, WordPress has released 3.9 under beta and it’s looks pretty interesting with a host of new features, some useful... [more]
13MarWebsite evolution, not revolution Categories: News, Our Thinking, The current iteration of our web-site has gone through a number of small revisions since it was launched. Today,... [more]
12MarHow much support and maintenance does WordPress need? Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, [...]Read More... from How much support and maintenance does WordPress need?... [more]
12MarUsing Facebook & Twitter to support email campaigns Categories: News, Connected are running a fab little email offer (free marketing review). It’s targeted at a segment of our qualified... [more]
11MarWhy go mobile? Categories: News, Your customers are mobile. Are you ready? Designing responsive websites that work on mobile devices should put the needs... [more]
11MarWhy your own desk makes you less productive Categories: News, Our Thinking, In the information age, desks are terrible and expensive throwbacks to the industrial world of mass production and division... [more]