20AprSave our planet Categories: News, Tags: Freecycle.org, Landfill, recycling, If you’ve not yet used Freecycle, here’s a quick rundown what it is and how easy it is to... [more]
19AprA/B split testing for you and me Categories: News, Tags: a/b testing, conversion ladder, hippo, kaizen, trial & error economics, A/B split testing is the scientific way to see if a change is helping or hurting your site. Or... [more]
15AprFancy a quickie? Categories: News, Tags: quick guide, Over the past 15 years we’ve built a great internal library of information, guides and topic helpers and we’re... [more]
12AprWhat is a HIPPO? Categories: News, HiPPO stands for Highest-Paid Person’s Opinion. If you’re from the HIPPO school of design, then questions about layout colours... [more]
31MarTime to look to the future? Categories: News, Cast your minds back almost 10 years, the first generation iPod was only just on the horizon, those Harry... [more]
29MarUsing social media to promote events Categories: News, Tags: media, music, social, For the last 8 or 9 years I have been holding DJ events in and around the Halifax area... [more]
25MarClient-side analytics. Problem No: 222 Categories: News, Tags: analytics, culture, data, google analytics, transparency, It appears that the old chestnut of “privacy” and “data protection” might put a bloody great hole in the... [more]
23MarQR Codes : the new short url? Categories: News, Originally from Japan, QR codes are computer readable images that code information such as a URL and allow QR-enabled... [more]
23Mar38% improvement in conversion rate Categories: News, Tags: 64 Monkeys, a/b testing, conversion rate, reporting, trial & error economics, We’ve recently completed a project in the Healthcare sector yielding a 38% improvement in on-site conversion rate whilst battling... [more]
19MarClient-side analytics. Problem No: 221 Categories: News, Tags: business intelligence, google analytics, reporting, visitor tracking, As highlighted in this e-Consultancy post, Google is considering letting web-site visitors opt-out of their free Google Analytics application.... [more]
19MarWikipedia attend the funeral of Adobe Flash Categories: News, Tags: adobe flash, open source, wikipedia, Adobe’s Flash player has had various trips to A&E over the years, from promising beginnings in the late 1990’s... [more]
16MarBar code tagging for a social generation Categories: News, Tags: engagement, social, Here at Connected we find the time to play with all sorts of weird and wonderful new stuff. Much... [more]
11FebMy first year @ Connected Categories: News, Tags: Connected, culture, quality, team, Smart people, thinking-caps on, and the best tools. But, as they say, “Don’t watch the tool, watch the hand... [more]
10FebPhilharmonic Orchestra get Connected Categories: News, Tags: music, new client, regional support, social, web development, Huddersfield Philharmonic Orchestra have been in continuous existence since 1862 making them (possibly) the oldest complete orchestra in the... [more]
04FebFrom The Smoke to The Snow and back again Categories: News, Tags: collaboration, homeworking, musings, Sitting here with my coffee, sandwich, unfinished crossword and contemplating another of my now regular monthly trips from London... [more]
16JanLanding Pages (Part 4 – Microsites) Categories: News, Tags: conversion rate, Deep linking, Landing page, Pay per click, privacy, Enter the 4th generation of PPC Landing policies. This rolls-up the benefits of single-focus Landing and Deep-link pages. The... [more]
08JanSaturday Celebration Categories: News, Tags: social, Saturday January 30th… …is DOUGS BIRTHDAY! I think many beers are in order, for the 24th anniversary of Dougs... [more]
04JanHappy New Year Categories: News, Tags: office, First day back and the snow is really coming down heavy with this week’s forecast predicting a great deal... [more]
21DecChristmas Party 2009 Categories: News, Tags: social, A brief retrospective of our company Christmas Party in Harrogate. [...]Read More... from Christmas... [more]
18DecChristmas 2009 shutdown period Categories: News, Tags: Christmas 2009, support, Connected close the main offices for the Christmas period from midday Thu 24th Dec until Mon 4th Jan. Clients... [more]