02OctNo more cheques Categories: Future, News, Our Thinking, Say farewell to the humble paper cheque, in reality it’s pretty much died all by itself but, officially, from... [more]
21SepThe Truth About Remote Working Categories: Culture, News, Tags: culture, digital nomad, digital nomadry, remote working, Technology, work, I can almost guarantee how the conversation is going to play out after someone asks me, “What do you do?”... [more]
18SepHow Social Media is Sucking the Life Out of Your Social Life Categories: Culture, News, Tags: culture, digital nomadry, facebook, Future, smartphone addiction, social, social media, Technology, Facebook states as its “mission” on its own Facebook page to “Give people the power to build community and bring... [more]
07SepWhy You’re Doing Leisure All Wrong Categories: News, Our Thinking, Tags: culture, engagement, leisure, mobile, productivity, social media, Technology, work, We’re masters of work but are clueless when it comes to leisure. We’re so bad at it we look... [more]
28AugHow to compete in an AI-driven world Categories: Culture, News, Tags: AI, employment, Future, industry, skills, Technology, workplace, To prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in its The Future of Jobs report, The World Economic Forum laid... [more]
20AugOnline trust is a multi-faceted thing Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, Tags: business, communication, content marketing, culture, engagement, social, Technology, trust, Trust, or the lack thereof it, makes and breaks more deals and relationships than anything else. If it could... [more]
12AugWhy Your Stressful Job Is Much Better Than You Think Categories: News, Our Thinking, Tags: culture, office life, productivity, remote working, stress, work, You think it’s just a rough patch and things will get better. That your boss will suddenly realise how... [more]
03AugHow We Produce Consistent Content Categories: News, Our Thinking, Tags: content, content marketing, culture, engagement, personalised content, social, Can you imagine if people spoke to you in real life in the same manner and style they write... [more]
30JulBreach Notification Policy Categories: News, WordPress Support, No-one wants a data breach: It’s a gut-wrenching experience filled with dread Let’s be clear; since GDPR in May... [more]
30JulWhy it’s Time to Go Freelance Categories: News, Our Thinking, Tags: culture, digital nomadry, freelance, remote work, remote working, work from home, The reasons to go freelance are indisputable. It’s technologically possible, much better for your health and bank balance, not... [more]
28JulTax should not be seen as punitive Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, In the U.K. we have an ever increasing tax burden – funding our modern-day needs has become increasingly onerous... [more]
22JulAn Antidote to Busyness Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, Tags: busyness, culture, digital nomadry, productivity, remote working, work from home, Over the past few months, work has been tedious and energy-sapping, everyone around me has been seemingly fighting against... [more]
15JulA Better Solution to Beating Smartphone Addiction Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, Tags: beating smartphone addiction, facebook, google, smartphone addiction, social media, Technology, What would aliens think if they were to suddenly drop into the Earth’s atmosphere and peer out over our... [more]
29JunHow to compete in an AI-driven world Categories: Future, News, Our Thinking, Tags: AI, business, digital nomadry, Future, social, Technology, As entertaining as it is to read about and watch on the big screen, AI is too clever to... [more]
21JunA Diary of A Smartphone Addict Categories: News, Our Thinking, Tags: binge-scrolling, culture, digital hoarding, Future, smartphone addiction, social, social media, Technology, the smartphone tic, Entry 1: 6.55am: Wake up, snooze alarm, drift back asleep while scrolling Twitter. Wake again, turn off alarm. Lie... [more]
17JunIt’s not all about big numbers Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, We’ve often reflected on what the important numbers for a business are – and why so many seem to... [more]
16JunThe Privacy Paradox Categories: Future, News, Tags: data privacy, GDPR, social, social media, Technology, It’s easy to forget that one of the main reasons tech giants collect masses of our data — other than... [more]
05JunThis is What Coworking Should Look Like Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, Tags: coworking, culture, digital nomadry, remote work, remote working, social, Ask someone what coworking is and they’ll no doubt shoot back something like “working from a shared office space... [more]
03JunWordPress Support : Latest Update Categories: News, WordPress, WordPress Support, Peerless WordPress Support: May 2018 100% client satisfaction, sub 4hr response, and 474 WordPress tickets solved. We also publish... [more]
31MayAre You Working In A Bullshit Job? Categories: Culture, News, Tags: bullshit jobs, business intelligence, culture, development, digital nomadry, remote work, Technology, Until I read David Graeber’s essay, On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs, I thought all my previous jobs qualified... [more]