13JanLean but not mean Categories: News, Our Thinking, Being us, by Martin Dower. Almost 20 years old and still a small company? Why growth for growths sake... [more]
11JanA year without management tears (sic) Categories: News, Our Thinking, Being a WordPress Agency. A more natural working life is the first thing to happen when you strip out... [more]
30DecOur obsessions Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, Being a WordPress Agency. Not being content with being “average” is deeply engrained in us. We’re not satisfied being... [more]
17DecThe good, the bad and the ugly : A year in view Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress Support, Being us by Martin Dower, CEO. Lots of new faces. A new WordPress Support service. Retina devices. And the... [more]
02DecContent overload is driving us to boredom Categories: News, Our Thinking, Thinking about content. Content is king, they say. Too much crap on the Internet, I say. It seems that... [more]
20NovThe rise of co-working Categories: News, Our Thinking, Being a WordPress Agency. The enablement of “access-anywhere” is driving a huge shift in how we work. Folks now... [more]
10NovChoosing your WordPress agency Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, WordPress Agency Marketplace “There are generalists and there are specialists – in general, you’re better off using specialists” Unashamedly... [more]
06NovManaging disasters : A quick checklist Categories: News, Our Thinking, Controlling the future. When the unthinkable happens there is no point shouting or screaming or crying. You should be... [more]
29OctWhat’s the ideal length of content Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, Digital Content Planning. We are not digitally identical. But we share enough habits and tolerance levels to bring meaning... [more]
27OctWhy does the web have to be so hard? Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, Being an agency Building digital properties should be made easier, but the complexity of devices and standards is still... [more]
16OctDeath of the large agency Categories: News, Our Thinking, Being a WordPress Agency. Most agencies want to be big. It might be the default aim but how well... [more]
07OctInnovation and derivation, uncomfortable bedfellows Categories: News, Our Thinking, Digital thinking. You can, it seems, be both innovative and derivative at the same time. So rather than being... [more]
03OctCustom WordPress themes should be avoided Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, WordPress Design. Sounds counter-intuitive, but bespoke WordPress themes can be a nightmare. One of the great things about WordPress... [more]
03OctWeb design is simpler than you might imagine Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress Web Design Help. Web design is the most prolific example of industrial design available today. So why do... [more]
30SepSharing improves performance. And gives us something to shout about! Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, WordPress Support, WordPress Support Agency News. Being in second place means there is room for improvement. The spotlight of independent monitoring... [more]
26SepHow important is WordPress Support? Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, WordPress Support, WordPress Support Agency News. A £1 million service is worthless without good delivery. Often quoted, but frequently ignored, the... [more]
22SepThe quest for digitally endowed leaders Categories: News, Our Thinking, The Digital Future By Martin Dower. Young upstarts and digitally smart companies are causing a real headache for established... [more]
18SepNo more than 50 clients. Ever. Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, WordPress Support, WordPress Agency Thinking. Without love, hard-won clients leave. Spreading yourself too thin is the fastest way to lose the... [more]
17SepThe 3-day week is going mainstream Categories: News, Our Thinking, Working Practices Read this article and then take the rest of the week off. And be better off. The... [more]
16SepThere can be only one. And it’s going to be a smartphone. Categories: News, Our Thinking, Mobile devices. Large format smartphones set to take over the computing world. In less than 24hrs, Apple pounded the... [more]