Strategy Partners
100 man years of Internet experience bottled up in Connected is a rich vein of learning and knowledge for clients to mine. This is encouraged through a consultancy programme of open days, workshops and strategy development planning. Pricing starts at £1,500 per day including planning, capturing and reporting on plans and actions.
Why is this a good idea?
The profit return of involving a knowledgeable, experienced team to build and create a real strategy is very high and very quick. Internal corporate teams are not in a position to continuously make good calls on planning and strategy as the focus is too insular, too unique and too limited in terms of learning. In the fast growing world of Internet communications it is not possible for one or two individuals to stay on top of the game. Clients need good outside teams of people.
Consider the following:
- Less than 10% of organisations have a formal strategy for the Internet.
- Nearly all organisations would see a dramatic increase in conversions, turnover and profit by creating and adopting a formal strategy.
- Less than 25% of organisations actively test new ideas
Why Connected?
- 100 man years experience
- Built, in some cases from scratch, market-leading strategies
- Never exist on the dark side of media and traffic flow
- Great third-party relationships to fill the odd gaps that appear from time to time
- 1st class record and pedigree
- Trusted, trusting and trustworthy
- True collaborative and transparent methodology
- Great value rates
Talk to Liam or Martin to find out more about how to can best use our skills or experience.