More mobile devices in the world than people – how many do you have?

A report by a US market research company suggests that there are now more mobile devices on the planet than people – 8.6 billion devices vs. 7.3 billion people.

With an estimated 5.8 billion mobile users worldwide, that means almost 80% of the planet’s population are mobile, and they have an average of 1.5 devices each.

And according to the predictions, the growth rate shows no signs of slowing – in fact the report claims that within 3 years, the number of mobile devices in world will top 12 billion – an average of nearly 2 devices per user.


Some interesting stats, but what does all that mean for businesses who rely on traffic to their website?

Well, since mobile internet usage overtook desktop in 2014, there are now more people using their mobile devices to search for companies to do business with than those using their PCs & laptops.

Now, more than ever, businesses that ignore the mobile revolution do so at their peril.

As competition for clicks grows and search engines prioritise mobile friendly websites, sticking with a non-responsive website could be a costly mistake.

Of course, having a mobile friendly website isn’t just about how the site looks on mobile devices. The whole user experience needs to be optimised to give the right brand perception, rank well on search engines, be easy to use and maximise conversion rates.

As a dedicated WordPress agency, Connected have been “mobile first” since 2011. All our clients not only have stunning looking, responsive websites, but exceptionally well-optimised digital marketing platforms.

To find out how we could help you “go mobile”, give us a call now.

Read the full report –