September memories…looking back over 2 decades

Looking back in time

We take for granted our history, nearly 20 years as a digital agency and over 8 as a WordPress Agency. So every now and again it’s good to look back.

It’s exactly seven years since we started using WordPress and here is how other Septembers has looked to us over nearly two decades of trading as a digital agency.


  • Diana, Princess of Wales Funeral and Mother Teresa’s State Funeral held in India
  • Steve Jobs comes back to Apple and Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 4.0
  • We’re a fledgling business with a handful of client and just 3 employees


  • We celebrate our fifth birthday and surviving the dot-com crash.
  • The world is changed forever as 911 hits New York and Washington. President George W. Bush declares a “war on terror” that continues today, nearly 15 years later.
  • We’re still building web-sites by hand. It’s slow and expensive.
  • HTML 4 was out and simplifying web standards. Internet Explorer 6 hit the streets.


  • We turn 11 years ago and start using WordPress in a commercial setting for the first time. Here is our very first post.
  • The iPhone 3G goes on sale in the UK
  • Beginning with bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on, the financial crisis entered an acute phase.
  • We start our journey to the cloud. Email (Gmail) and Project Management (Basecamp) is moved first.


  • We’re avid fans of content. In September we publish 14 articles and, ahead of the bandwagon, we realise the importance of content.
  • The iPad clocked up 5 million unit shipped. Global sales now top 200 million.
  • The privacy race is hotting up and Flash starts to lose it’s shine.


  • We turn 15 years old and are the first national digital agency to exclusively use WordPress.
  • We’re totally in the cloud as the last in-house server is decommissioned at the end of August. We’re prepped and ready to go 100% location agnostic
  • Apple unveils its iPhone 5 and iOS 6