18MarGive HTML5 a big hug Categories: News, Tags: Best practice & learning, html5, wai-aria, webstandards, The release of Internet Explorer 9 comes with a wave of relief and panic. Panic because in some development... [more]
05JanAnother 2011 prediction blog post Categories: News, Tags: Android, apple, behavioural targeting, die flash, geo tagging, google, html5, iTunes, mahalo, micro-applications, privacy, quora, semantic web, SEO, Tablet computer, the cloud, TomTom, This is the time of year that everyone and their dog seems to take out the crystal ball out... [more]
19MayAnother nail in the coffin for Flash? Categories: News, Tags: css3, die flash, html5, Adobe’s Flash system has been taking a real hammering recently with Apple, Google and Wikipedia effectively scrapping explicit support... [more]