The future of AI-Marketing

There cannot be a field more ripe for disruption than marketing; so many of its core areas suit the n+1 iterations that AI offers at costs approaching zero.

But AI is not just a buzzword; it’s a transformative force that is reshaping the marketing landscape. The possibilities are vast and exciting. The future of marketing with AI promises to be more efficient, targeted, and, most importantly, profoundly human in its approach to understanding and engaging customers.

But is it really that simple? And how do we carve out competitive advantage when everyone else is using it?

Of course, today we already use generative AI extensively to streamline everything – from creative briefs to creating unlimited assets such as landing pages, ad copy and streamlining content . But this is just the start.

So, the future of marketing is already shaping up to be radically different. With its ever-growing capabilities, AI will revolutionise how all businesses connect with customers, develop strategies, and measure success.

At the simplest level, AI offers the nirvana of unlimited output and 1:1 personalisation. This changes the fundamental role of marketing as hyper-personalisation turns it into a sales-marketing hybrid. And likely signals the death of advertising above the line as everything digital is now below the line.


Remember the days when personalisation meant slapping a customer’s name at the top of an email? Those days are gone. AI allows for a level of personalisation that’s almost creepy in its precision.

By analysing vast amounts of data, AI can predict what products or services a customer might be interested in before they even know it themselves.

Brands will create highly tailored content, recommendations, and offers that resonate deeply with individual preferences and behaviors, making ATL mass marketing look like a relic from the Stone Age.

If you thought generic untrained-GPTs were the future, then you’re already miles behind the curve. To truly gain competitive advantage you need to move beyond Chat GPT4 omni and plan for a world where every company, person, department, and function has a bespoke-trained AI model working away in the background, consuming everything and self-optimising at a rate that is difficult to comprehend.

Enhanced Customer Insights

AI’s ability to process and analyse data far outstrips any human capability. This means we have access today to insights that were unimaginable just a year ago.

Machine learning algorithms, taught and guided to meet specific needs are let loose on social media trends, customer feedback, and purchasing data to uncover hidden patterns and predict future behaviours.

This wealth of information will allow companies to understand their audience on a level that’s almost uncomfortable.

Unbounded Content Creation

AI-powered tools are already capable of generating content that is indistinguishable from that created by humans. From blog posts and articles to social media updates and product descriptions, AI can churn out a staggering amount of high-quality content at lightning speed.

All trained around your corporate tone of voice, values, and core messages. While human creativity is far from obsolete (we still need to train the models), the grunt work of content creation is likely to become the domain of AI, freeing up marketers to focus on strategy, innovation, and n+1.

White-glove service

Customer service is getting a serious upgrade. AI-driven chatbots can handle inquiries 24/7, provide instant responses, and learn from interactions to improve over time.

These bots already manage a multitude of tasks, from answering FAQs to troubleshooting issues and guiding customers through purchase processes. This not only enhances the customer experience by providing immediate assistance but also allows human customer service reps to tackle more complex issues.

Analytics v2.0

Marketing strategies will be less about throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks and more about informed decision-making.

Predictive analytics already uses machine learning and AI to forecast future trends and behaviours. This can help marketers anticipate customer needs, optimise campaigns, and allocate resources more efficiently. It’s like having a crystal ball that actually works, minus the smoke and mirrors.


AI is already shaking up the world of digital advertising with programmatic advertising. This method uses AI to automate the buying and placement of ads, targeting specific audiences in real-time.

It’s incredibly efficient, ensuring that ads are shown to the right people at the right time without the need for constant manual adjustments. The result? Higher ROI and less wasted ad spend.

Multimodal search

Google’s days of using old-skool search are numbered. Multimodal search uses AI to integrate and interpret multiple types of data—text, images, voice, and video—enhancing search accuracy and relevance.

For markers, this means ads can be tailored more precisely to user preferences and behaviors. Imagine searching for a product by uploading a picture or using a voice command; AI can instantly analyse and deliver highly targeted ads.

The seamless blend of different data forms allows for more intuitive and efficient user experiences, improving RoI, and ultimately transforming the landscape of digital advertising.

Ethical Considerations

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. The use of AI in marketing raises important ethical questions. Issues like data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the potential for manipulation need to be addressed.

Responsible marketers should navigate these challenges carefully, ensuring transparency and maintaining consumer trust. But some won’t and will be seduced by AI’s dark, manipulative side.

Greed will see AI in marketing get a grubby reputation, a stain that that will be hard to remove from offending companies. This makes the choice of agency or staffer that much harder. Pick a dark-sider and you could see your company’s reputation in tatters.