Peerless WordPress Support.
We’re so very proud of our support record, it truly reflects the love and commitment our agency has to all things WordPress.
When, on our 5th birthday as a WordPress Agency (our 17th birthday as a digital agency) , we created Peerless WordPress Support, little did we know that it would go on to be the gold-standard for WordPress Support. “Imitated, but never bettered” is, how I believe, the saying goes.
The raw numbers speak for themselves, but by way of comparison – of those companies who submit to Zendesk’s Satisfaction Programme, we rank in in the top few percent for satisfaction, response rate and volume of support tickets.
Only companies very serious about the quality of their support even submit to 3rd-party scrutiny so being independently monitored and audited can really be considered “Peerless”.
Late August saw us complete our 2,000th ticket of the year, putting us on schedule to deal with 3,500 tickets in 2015.
WordPress deserves world-class support. We are the only WordPress Agency to openly publish support statistics and performance and that shows how serious we take ongoing support and long-term relationships.
If you need WordPress Support then contracts start at £190pm, have no lock-in and you can start today.
To ensure we continue to provide a world-class service we limit our support load (hence, the number of clients we support) and therefore have only limited availability.